Holland Brook School Visit!

I love doing school visits. It’s one of the perks of writing for young people that folks don’t really think about that often. Most people picture writers sitting in book shops signing books and greeting fans with a polite handshake or two. And that’s all fine and good – nothing at all wrong with a gentile afternoon in a bookstore, after all.

But it does not, and never will, compare to a gymnasium of screaming kids who are excited, no thrilled, to be meeting an author and talk about his book. A book! That quaint little low tech bundle of tree pulp and ink!

This past week I had the absolute pleasure of visiting with the fourth and fifth graders of the Holland Brook School. Holland Brooke chose Powerless for this year’s One School One Book Program, which means that 500 students, plus teachers, staff and parents were reading the same book all at once.

I have to say, from the moment I walked into the school, I was amazed. The students transformed their school and I had the thrill of actually walking past Witch Fire mountain, I got to see the Comet streaking across the sky, and peek into the Tree Fort and Clay and Bud’s Junkyard Hideout. But best of all, I met hundreds of intelligent, proud, excited kids who had insightful and challenging questions about my book. And several ambitious young men who wanted a part in the movie. I told them to have their people call my people.

Below are just some pictures of the awesome decorations they prepared, but make sure you follow the Holland Brook School link to see a terrific slide show of the kids at work.

Witch Fire Mountain! Whose class is down that unlucky hall?


The Comet. An excuse to get out of Math Class?

The Tree House!


Plunkett's Mansion. I hear it was a popular reading spot . . .


Wrong way, buddy!


A very big thank you to Filomena Brogna, Jeannie Stepner, April Berkin  and all the teachers, staff and parents of Holland Brook school! And a special thank you to the students!! You guys are POWERFUL!

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